In Defense of Hard Copies

In Defense of Hard Copies

In today’s digital world, paper and ink can seem tired, old-fashioned. I’ve participated in meetings where it’s been suggested only .pdfs, websites, and video are appropriate for today’s in-depth communications. While I can’t entirely disagree with this concept, I do believe there is still a place for deploying printed matter in 21st-century public relations.

Call for Interns

Resch Strategies is looking to hire an intern! 

We are looking for a motivated, conscientious, creative, and trust-worthy student intern to assist us with our work.  Our ideal candidate will posses strong writing and communications skills with video production experience preferred but not required. Hours and time are negotiable based on our work and the academic calendar.


  • Assist with the drafting of news releases, columns, and letters to the editor.
  • Assist with clients’ public events and news conferences/briefings.
  • Research and compile online news content for sharing on social media.
  • Research and compile news clips relating to client initiatives.
  • Deliver materials to state legislative offices as needed.
  • Interact with state legislative offices as directed.
  • Professional networking while meeting the needs of clients.
  • Assist with the development and implementation of clients’ social media campaigns.
  • Work on additional projects, as directed.

Compensation is available and negotiable based on experience and situation with school credits.  We do pay for parking, as well.

If you think you’d be a great candidate, please send your resume and cover letter to:

Why Rocky V is Actually Better than Rocky IV - A Lesson in Persuasive Writing

Why Rocky V is Actually Better than Rocky IV - A Lesson in Persuasive Writing

Is Matt really going to let me get away with this? If someone doesn’t stop me, I WILL devote the next several hundred words to debating the merits of the 4th and 5th installments of the ‘Rocky’ franchise on the company blog… I mean it…

I’m still typing… I guess this is actually happening.

Guess what, Internet? I LIKE ‘Rocky V’. And you want to know what else? I actually think it’s better than ‘Rocky IV’.

It's a PR blog, so let's talk about oatmeal

The list of things I’m ‘best at’ when measured against my Resch Strategies coworkers is embarrassingly short and peppered with distinctions no one would proudly claim. Running through the categories in my head, here’s what I’ve come up with:

PR-related skills and talents?

(Crickets chirping)

Moving right along.

Non-work related skills, talents and attributes?


Oh! I am far away the most snarky member of the team. That’s one thing. And there’s also a big #1 next to my name when it comes to impatience. That’s TWO things!

That’s it. That’s essentially the list. Number one in snark and impatience. Cool.

There is one more area I shine though. It’s not much, but given its company on this list, I think it’s safe to say it’s the only designation I can proudly proclaim.

I, Joseph Robert Becsey, am the best at breakfast.

And it’s not even close.

My weapon of choice: oatmeal.

And in the spirit of New Year’s, I’m going to contribute to the half-hearted effort to improve collective habits by letting you all in on my proprietary recipe. Now everyone can start the day off right!

I’m probably going to alarm a few of you right off the bat, so let’s just get this out of the way now. My oatmeal is cold. I eat it just like a regular bowl of cereal. Why? Because it’s easier, faster, and tastier. Moving on.

Step 1: The oatmeal

I go with steel-cut oats. 1/3 of a cup. This is the only thing I measure.

I don’t like mush and these little groats maintain just enough texture after soaking in some liquid for a few minutes. Added benefit: they’re less processed than the oats of the rolled/instant variety. Health!

Step 2: The fixin’s

The key to good oatmeal is recognizing that oatmeal isn’t good at all. There’s nothing to like about it. So to make it palatable you need to disguise it with a bunch of better tasting stuff. Oatmeal is really just the glue that holds the rest of it together. Here’s what I add to mine:

  • Slivered almonds. Sometimes I’ll go with pecans or walnuts but almonds are definitely the default choice. They provide a nice crunch and they’re chock-full of vitamins, mineral and healthy fats.
  • Chia Seeds. The perfect addition. They’re high in protein and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and a whole long list of other good things. The best part: you barely notice them.
  • Pumpkin Seeds.  Just like the stuff listed above, these things are packed with good stuff. It’s the nuts and seeds that keep me full, so I don’t skimp on any of these.
  • Goji Berries. Essentially just a fancy raisin that costs 10 times more than the original. So why do I use them? I’m a sucker for the “superfood” moniker goji berries carry.  Raisins are a perfectly acceptable substitute for the proletariat though.
  • Cacao nibs. Chocolate’s cranky dad. I’m not going to sugarcoat it (PUN!), cacao nibs just aren’t as tasty as the chocolate they often become.  Chocolate is delicious. There’s no denying it. Still, there’s no place for that stuff it in Joe’s oatmeal, so I stick with the cacao nibs - the source of all the amazing health benefits of chocolate with none of the yeah, buts.
  • Fried apples. This one is optional. To change things up every now and then, I’ll slice up an apple and quickly fry it in some olive oil before dumping it into the bowl.

There’s basically no measuring with any of these add-ons. Just dump, scoop, pour as you see you fit.

Step 3: The liquid

This stuff would take 6 hours to chew if you skipped on soaking it in something first. I go with some nut-based milk like almond or cashew. I use just enough to get everything wet and easy to stir.

Step 4: The spices

For some added punch, I liberally sprinkle this mess with some cinnamon and cardamom.

Step 5: The wait

This stuff is best when you can make it the night before and pull it right out of the fridge the next morning. But I’m lazy, so that almost never happens. Soaking it for 10 minutes is plenty sufficient though. I usually throw it together and then move on to making coffee or tea. Once that’s done, it’s ready to go.  

And there it is. Joe’s oatmeal. Guaranteed to leave you full of vim and vigor (and also oatmeal). Give it a try. 


Working from home vs. the office. The final verdict may surprise you.

Before joining Resch Strategies, I had a pretty cushy gig. My “office” was a few short steps from my bedroom, and my boss, co-workers, and clients were all hundreds of miles away. I worked from home – the holy grail of workplace environments.

*Not my actual home office. But remarkably similar.Photo By: William Raveis Real Estate

*Not my actual home office. But remarkably similar.

Photo By: William Raveis Real Estate

I’ve been with Resch Strategies for the better part of a year now and most of that time has been spent in our office. With months of punching the clock now in the books, I feel adequately seasoned to weigh in on the office vs. home office debate. Here we go:

Work Attire:

I like wearing a shirt and tie. It’s nice getting dressed in the morning with purpose. When I’m nicely put together, I honestly feel like I’ve accomplished something before I’ve even walked out the door. I’m wearing a tie. I’m important. I matter. And this will surely be evident to anyone that sees me passing by on the street, which is also important. My importance MUST be conveyed to all.

I also like pajamas.

Advantage: Push


It’s tough to argue with the 5 second shuffle from my bed to the spare bedroom next door but I’m going to do just that. I live a mere mile away from the global headquarters of Resch Strategies, which makes for a very pleasant, easy bike ride about 6 months out of the year. Riding my bike to and from work is a great way to start and end my day when weather permits. I really do enjoy it.

But that all goes out the window once the temperature plummets and the sun is out for roughly 45 minutes a day. In the cold, dark heart of winter, the ability to make it to my desk without ever leaving the confines of my blanket cocoon is a luxury I simply can’t disparage.

Advantage: Push

Work Environment:

I love this office. And that’s saying something. Those who know me even a little bit know that I’m a total curmudgeon. Seriously. I should probably work on it. But I won’t because somehow it actually works for me here!

Strangely enough, the little rain cloud I carry around with me seems to be a nice complement to the sunny disposition of my more chipper officemates. We have a lot of fun and it truly is a great place to work.

It’s also really nice to be able to bounce ideas off the brilliant minds around me in real-time. Creativity is a commodity in this line of work and it’s hard to stay fresh without occasional fresh eyes and insight from my Resch compatriots. Successful brainstorming is much more difficult when it must be done through email.

There is a flip side to all of this though. I’m the worst writer in the office. And it takes me forever to write anything. A big part of the problem is that it’s very difficult for me to move on from a sentence that isn’t quite perfect. Compounding the problem is the fact that I struggle against a debilitating case of keyboard paralysis.

For whatever reason, I’m a much better writer the second I step away from my computer and stop actually writing. The elusive phrasing I seek can often only be found while mumbling to myself several feet from my desk. Once it hits me, I race back to my desk and furiously jot it down before it disappears (it’s a short window) and then start the whole process all over again. Needless to say, this weird exercise is definitely more comfortably executed in the the privacy of my own home.

Advantage: Push

Final verdict: Push

All told, there are pluses and minuses both ways on this one. At the end of the day, having the flexibility to work from home from time to time is what works best for me, and luckily that’s one of the many perks of working here at Resch Strategies.