First Putin, now Santa.

There have been years when the annual Resch Strategies Christmas card cartoon has come easily.  Like a seat at a Jill Stein recount rally.  

Other years, like this one, it’s been a challenge.

“What?!”  You’re exclaiming.  “2016 rocked!  There was so much funny material.”

Well, don't let the fact that there are two cartoons this year lead you to believe the inspiration was flowing like vodka tonics after a snow day.  Truth is, 2016 is likely a year historians will be forced to write about using their actual fingernails on a chalkboard in order to fully appreciate all these 365 days have offered.

We have two cartoons because, like with our presidential candidates, we couldn’t pick one.

So here goes.  The 2016 Resch Strategies Christmas card cartoons, brought to you by Hillary Clinton, who while conducting diplomacy on behalf of our great nation was working weekends on the Geek Squad at the Chappaqua Best Buy, and @realDonaldTrump, our Commander and Tweet-elect.

Thanks as always to our friend, Roy Delgado, for bringing our "ideas" to life.

Hillary Clinton on Saturday cast blame for her surprise election loss on the announcement by the F.B.I Director, James B. Comey, days before the election that he had revived the inquiry into her use of a private email server.
— New York Times, Nov. 12, 2016

In all sincerity, Merry Christmas to you and yours!  Our Resch Strategies team wishes you a peaceful holiday and happy 2017.

- Matt