Why You Should Create a Snapchat Geofilter for Your Next Event

According to Adweek, Snapchat is the fastest growing social media platform we’ve seen and is continuing to reach new heights everyday. It has soared past Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in terms of active monthly users, despite its young age – and it’s not slowing down any time soon. 

As its popularity increased, many social media professionals struggled with how to utilize Snapchat to its fullest potential. This was halted after Snapchat recently announced an engaging feature where you can design your own geofilter for commercial or individual use. These filters are perfect for an additional way to engage with guests at an event.

We tested it out. 

Creating the filter itself is pretty simple to do, especially since there are templates and design ideas right on Snapchat’s website. For commercial use, the cost associated with it is based on the location of your filter and the duration of time it will run. After the event, brand managers have the ability to see the total amount of unique viewers of the filter along with the number of snaps sent using it. 

So, why is utilizing Snapchat and adding this additional tool helpful for your next event?

Gives the ability to customize your event into an experience
Everything social media happens here & now; people want to document their lives and the experiences that they are having, as they are happening. Snapchat allows your event attendees to do this in real time. By looking beyond the traditional aspects of an event, like creating a Snapchat filter, you’re able to make it more memorable and transform it into an experience.

Allows for hassle-free video
Today’s social media culture is centered around visuals, especially video. Snapchat is a great tool to quickly publish and save videos without a hassle. Traditionally horizontal view, Snapchat has dramatically increased the popularity of vertical video – which gives both users and marketers more space to work with. 

Adds an additional outreach dimension to a new audience
More than 60% of young people age 13-34 are on Snapchat – meaning that if this is an audience you’re trying to reach, this is definitely a platform to be utilizing. Creating a filter is a fun way for this group to connect and engage with both your brand and share your message with their friends and networks. 

- Sarah

Update: Snapchat is used by brands big and small – Taco Bell's Cinco de Mayo filter recently broke records when it was viewed 224 million times.