A wise man once said, “If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.” So, our initial instinct to take the summer off from the podcast studio has led us here today to a first-of-its-kind July episode of Cold Oatmeal and a conversation with someone who launched his very own Year of the Opposite project.
Travis Stoliker is a mid-Michigan entrepreneur who has been at the center of two familiar Lansing success stories: the development, growth, and sale of the internet company Liquid Web, and the popular restaurant Saddleback BBQ. But it was the death of three close friends over a few short months that led him to face difficult times and the decision to change up his life by trying the opposite.
Travis is our guest, and rather than tuna on toast, we go for the chicken salad on rye, untoasted.
You’re listening to the “Hot” Oatmeal Podcast.