Intern Spotlight: Cirsten Main

As college students walk across the stage on graduation day, they cross the bridge between the world of academia and everything they know into the unfamiliar world of adulthood. For a lot of students, it can be daunting to figure out what their next step will be. A lot of people feel the pressure to take a job—any job – just to keep up with their bills and pay off their loans. Some further their education to become even more marketable, while others are able to land a position with the employer they’ve dreamed about working for since freshman year.

Those are the people I envy, not only for having a full-time job right out of college, but because they knew what they wanted to do and where they wanted to go. I wish I had that direction, because even after spending four years earning a degree in public relations and completing multiple internships, I’m still not sure what I want to do with my degree. Public relations is such a broad field and I haven’t even dipped my toe in the possibilities it offers.

So, after graduation I decided to take a path few others consider. I took on another internship. I chose an internship with Resch Strategies because I knew it would give me the opportunity to work with an agency, something I have never done before. I am extremely excited to work with a small team of professionals, and a variety of clients. Being close to the Capitol and learning more about public affairs is an added bonus.

I have only been part of the team for a couple weeks, but it already has been an amazing experience. My first day, I took a road trip with Sarah to Grand Rapids to help pull off a press conference for the Emily Stillman Foundation. It was the first press conference that I have ever been to, and it was great to see how excited the team was to work with and achieve success for their client. The next day I helped assemble targeted media lists for another client, and even though Joe kept apologizing for making me do such a ‘boring’ task, I didn’t mind because I knew it was important work.

Yesterday, I got to explore downtown Lansing running a variety of errands. When I got back, I was assigned a variety of small projects, including this blog, another first for me.

I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future, but I’m not as worried about it. I’ve already learned a lot here, and I know by the end of the summer I will have had a valuable and worthwhile experience. Maybe then I will know what I want to be when I grow up.

- Cirsten