25 Things I Learned on My Summer Vacation...

I recently went on vacation with my family.  Some things I learned. 

•    72 M.P.H. in a Jeep Wrangler with its top down is a great way to spend an afternoon… once you’re secure in the knowledge that no luggage or people will fly out the back. 
•    “Intimidating” is the only way to describe how Lake Michigan can change from hour to hour.
•    When racing his brother, boys can run forever.
•    The prospects of our country’s two presidential options are no less depressing in the presence of beautiful scenery and/or mini golf.
•    Happy Hour #1:  When cocktails begin.  
•    The freedom of owning a business comes with the absolute inability to find freedom from that business… not that that’s a bad thing.
•    Not all electric stoves are created equal.
•    Happy Hour #2:  When cocktails continue and children go to bed.
•    Dogs enjoy getting away, too.
•    10 conference calls over 7 days is excessive.
•    Charlevoix, MI is really coming into its own… great Northern Michigan town.
•    There’s a rusted-out shipping container along U.S. 31 with “Go Trump ☺” spray-painted on it.  Seems appropriate.
•    There are some really solid, salt-of-the-earth, good people out there going about their lives, working hard, and they are a pleasure to meet and get to know.  Talking to them offers a fascinating perspective on all that we who work in and around the political realm take way too seriously and think is so, so very important.
•    At least for one boy, 9 is the age at which goofy teen-age sitcoms literally become
fall-on-the-floor funny. 
•    You can’t overestimate the excitement a child experiences from a donut.
•    Don’t underestimate the joy a child gets from simply staying at home and playing with friends.  Wish I’d know this BEFORE planning a vacation.
•    Beer at lunch tastes better than at any other time of day.
•    Five-year olds love setting and saying "booby traps," and it's not even because of the word booby... yet.
•    Chopping wood sucks, but is better than conference calls.
•    Happy Hour #3:  When a child is napping and you realize you are just a few hours away from Happy Hour #1.
•    The secret life of pets.  R.I.P Ricky.
•    One of the best views in Michigan is from atop the National Cherry Festival Ferris wheel.
•    It’s important to work with good people.  I didn’t really learn this on vacation.  I’ve always known it.  But vacation always brings the needed reminder.
•    Pokemon Go is a “game” and not a malicious virus that attacked my Twitter feed.
•    Excellent pizza is hard to find, but once you find it all feels right.

-- Matt