
Resch Strategies has gotten into the podcasting game, and it turns out we love doing it! What started as a silly office side project has – go figure – turned into a suite of services we’re now proud to offer.  And it only makes sense that we landed here.

Below you’ll find Resch Strategies podcasting à la carte. We call it the Cold Oatmeal Cafe. Starting a podcast and looking for some help with just a few things? No problem. Want someone to just take care of the whole podcasting enchilada, we’ve got that covered too.

Ready to get started? Call us at 517.371.7843 or email 


Production Consultation

A great starter for any podcast. A hearty discussion loaded with setup, hosting, editing and distribution tips.

Hosting and Setup

The “steamed vegetables” of podcasting. Order it and we’ll leave this plate back in the kitchen for you—just the way you like it.  

Art and Logo Design

Handcrafted and made to order. A delicious and distinctive visual bite.  


Podcast Intro production

A carefully crafted, professional intro topped with zesty music and a velvety professional voice-over.

Music Curation and Licensing

Richly flavored, sustainably sourced music served between segments—perfectly seasoned to spice up any podcast.


 Show Production

Cold Oatmeal’s signature dish. Infuse your podcast with our in-house recording and editing services. Tastes just like the original.

Distribution and Analytics

A robust distribution plan sprinkled with meaningful analytics. The perfect complement to any well-produced podcast.   

Social Media Promotion

Marinated in our homemade social media strategy, Resch Strategies serves your podcast with a delectable (and heaping) social media presence and audience. Organically or commercially grown.


Equipment Rental

Sample the Resch Strategies decadent equipment setup. Headphones, microphones, XLR cables all served on top of a delightfully indulgent 14-input stereo mixing board.

Ready to get started? Call us at 517.371.7843 or email